Paramount ME (2)
Takahashi EM200
Takahashi EM11
RCOS 10" Truss Ritchie Chretien
Takahashi TOA-150 f/7.3 refractor
Takahashi Epsilon 180ED
Takahashi FSQ106n f/5 refractor
Takahashi FS60c refractor
SBIG STL-11000xm camera
SBIX ST-10xme camera
Astrodon LRGB and narrowband filters
PierTech TeleStation enclosure
TAKometer by AstroDon
There are many sources for astro imaging equipment, but I have had nothing but good experiences with Anacortes Telescope and Wild Bird for new gear, and they host an excellent site listing used items, reviews and other resources (AstroMart).